Respuesta :
Fibonacci's authorship of Liber Abaci in 1202 is largely responsible for introducing the Indo-Arabic numeral system to the Western world.
What advantages do you suppose Leonardo Fibonacci may have perceived in the use of the Indo-Arabic numerals?
- Fibonacci was born to Guglielmo, an Italian trader and customs agent, around the year 1170.Guglielmo oversaw a trading post in Bugia (Béjaa), the capital of the Hammadid empire, which is present-day Algeria.
- As a young lad, Fibonacci accompanied him on his travels; he received his education in Bugia (Algeria), where he discovered the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.
- Fibonacci traveled the Mediterranean shore, speaking with numerous merchants and studying their methods of computation.
- The many benefits of the Hindu-Arabic system, which, in contrast to the Roman numbers in use at the time, allowed for simple calculation using a place-value system, quickly became apparent to him.
- He published the Liber Abaci, sometimes known as "The Book of Calculation," in 1202 and it helped spread Hindu-Arabic numbers throughout Europe
- Emperor Frederick II, who loved science and math, hosted Fibonacci as a guest.
- In a decree issued in 1240, the Republic of Pisa recognized Fibonacci (also known as Leonardo Bigollo)[20] for the services he had rendered to the city as a consultant on questions of accounting and teaching for residents by paying him a wage.
- Fibonacci cubes are graphs that are used to connect parallel and distributed systems, as well as computer methods like the Fibonacci search method and the Fibonacci heap data structure.
- Hindu-Arabic numerals are a collection of ten symbols that stand in for decimal numbers in the following ways: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 0.
- They were first discovered in India in the sixth or seventh century and were brought to Europe by Middle Eastern mathematicians, particularly al-Khwarizmi and al-Kindi, about the year 12th.
- Roman numerals were the arithmetic method utilized by Europeans prior to the 13th century.
- The adoption of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in Europe, which transformed not only mathematics but also economics and trade, is primarily attributable to Leonardo of Pisa, better known today as Fibonacci.
- According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the Arabic or Hindu-Arabic numeral system is the most widely used and is used almost everywhere.Around the 12th century, it was brought to Europe.
To learn more about Indo- Arabic numerals refer