Respuesta :
The correct answer here is B: Restoring self-rule to Kuwait.
The main reason is that restoring self-rule to Kuwait was never part of the reason for the 2003 invasion of Iraq led by the U.S; it was part of the reason for the Gulf War in 1990-1991. The conflict of 2003 arose because it was known that Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, considered an enemy leader of the United States and other western powers, were harboring both terrorists from Al-Qaeda and, it was believed, weapons of mass destruction. Because Hussein refused to act after a UN resolution, and did not give the necessary assurances, the U.S and other nations, took matters into their hands and in 2003 initiated an invasion that led to what is known as the Iraq War, which arose from the fight between the coalition forces led by the U.S and those that supported Hussein.