
Clases de música

Se ofrecen clases de música e instrumentos musicales.

Clases de piano, guitarra, violín, trompeta, saxofón y flauta.

El profesor es músico profesional. También es artista de radio y televisión.

Las clases son veinte dólares y se ofrecen en los meses de junio y julio.

¡Ven y serás un artista de la carpeta roja!


Respuesta :

clases = classes 
música = music 
instrumentos = instruments 
musicales = musical 
piano = piano 
guitarra = guitar 
violín = violin 
trompeta = trumpet 
saxofón - saxophone 
flauta = flute 
músico = musician 
profesional = professional 
artista - artist / artiste 
radio = radio 
televisión = television 
dólares = dollars 
junio = June 
julio = July 

profesor ≠ professor [= teacher] 
carpeta ≠ carpet [= file] * 
hope this helps 


True cognates:

Música - Music

Clases - Classes

Instrumentos - Instruments

Piano - Piano

Guitarra - Guitar

Violin -Violin

Trompeta - Trumpet

Saxofón - Saxophone

Flauta - Flute

Profesional - Professional

Artista - Artist

Radio - Radio

Televisión - Television

Dólares - Dollars

Junio - June

False Cognate

Carpeta ≠ Carpet

The word for Carpet in Spanish is Alfombra. Carpeta means Folder


The writer if the advertisement made a mistake and used a false cognate. After reading the advertisement, we have to identify at least nine true cognates and one false cognate. Cognates are words that have the same etymological origin, but with a different phonetic evolution, and often, different semantic. True cognates are words that share the same root and are very similar in spelling and have the same meaning,whereas false cognates are pairs of words that "look like" cognates due to similar sounds, but have different etymologies, and is unrelated in its meaning and origin.