Respuesta :


CORRUPTION•Evidence amongst the elite•The Mangerian voting system•The Locusts set fire to Section PT to get rid of the “rubbish”•Mangerian officials withhold half of the welfare credits from the Orphan Warden in exchange fortheir silence•Cockroach instructs the Locust Warden to get rid of the prisoners during the riot•The Mangerians are conducting human experiments on prisoners in the Laboratory and areremoving marks from people’s spines•Larissa should have been dumped on the reject pile for being an unhealthy baby but instead theMangerians are trying to find a cure for her (that is why they are experimenting in the Laboratory)•Experiments are being done on young children, and the Orphan Warden is being paid to hand overthe children in exchange for credit


Giggity Giggity goo