The electronic components that could be used in making of energy saving switch are:
Transistors as well as other kinds of semiconductor devices are known to be tools or element that can be used in the making of switches. In its use or applications.
Note that the base or gate of a transistor, based on the kind of transistor that is known to be in use, and it is one that is often employed as a form of control element to be able to switch on as well as switch off the current that often exist between the emitter as well as the collector or the source and that of the drain.
Note also that the electronic components that are able to store energy in regards to electronic devices, are known to be capacitors and coils (inductors) and they often play a key function of temporarily saving energy. One key role of a capacitor is to save an electric charge.
Therefore, The electronic components that could be used in making of energy saving switch are:
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