9. What are the 2 major kinds (categories) of ocean sediments?
a. Bits of Rock
e. Salt
b. Calcium Carbonate
f. Sand
c. Iron
d. Mud
g. Shells
h. Silica

Respuesta :

Marine sediments come in four different types:

lithogenous, biogenous, hydrogenous, and cosmogenous.

Land-based, lithogenous rocks are made up of tiny fragments of weathered rock and volcanic ash and are formed through the weathering process.

  • Terrigenous and red clay are two subcategories of lithogenous sediments.
  • When weathering takes place above water, terrible sediments are created. These particles are subsequently transported to the ocean by wind and other natural sources, where they sink.
  • However, red clay often referred to as abyssal clay, is found in the ocean and was created from a mixture of terrigenous material and volcanic ash.
  • Terrigenous particles sink more quickly than abyssal clay particles because they are often greater in size.
  • Biogenous sediments are made up of the remains of living things that resisted dissolving.

Learn more about sediments here:
