Respuesta :
love songs/poems are literary works that describe the artist's perception of a romantic situation.
are thy still relevant? well, like most issues- it's incredibly arbitrary.
one might argue that since the invention of literature, our collective perception of love has evolved so much through history- that we might not be able to even define "love."
to understand the relevance of love literature in modern society, we need to define love.
is it romantic? does it have to be sexual? does it need to be monogamous?
our definition of love is quite blurry.
this gray area of love's definition could lead one to wonder- what is the definition of a love song?
is it a song targeted and geared to tell a story of romance- or can a death metal song talking about completely non-romantic issues be one- given if that song was the song your grandparents heard when they first met, and played at every anniversary going forward?
that's quite romantic, isn't it?
others could view any song about sex as a "love song," and that's their view. others could find that area completely unromantic and shallow.
the bottom line is that, we don't have a solid definition of love, and in my humble opinion, that's why love songs are so vital to our society.
in a world so connected yet disconnected at the same time, where our perception of love is so muddled, love songs and the ones we identify with can help us find out what love is to us.
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