What seems to be behind Julian's anger toward his mother is frustration and, although he may not be a particularly good son, he seems to be a good person.
Julian and his mother are characters in the short story "Everything That Rises Must Converge." Throughout the story, we get to watch how frustrated Julian is when it comes to his mother's condescending attitude and behavior. She is quite a prejudiced woman, and Julian thinks of himself as a very open-minded person.
Therefore, frustration seems to be the main issue here, although we could also say resentment plays a role in Julian's anger, since the two feelings often go together. That, however, does not make a bad person out of him. Julian may not be a particularly good son, since he is often rude toward his mother, but he is in general a good person.
In the end, his anger vanishes as he loses his mother. His love for her was always there, buried underneath his resentment and frustration.
Learn more about Julian here: