Arrays of std logic variables and signals are represented by the std logic vector type. These types define the fundamental VHDL logic operations: and, and, or, nor, xor, and xnor. These operate on each place and return another array; they require two identically sized arrays.
What is schematic diagram?
- Schematic refers to a model, plan, or outline. A concise, understandable graphical representation of a plan or model is what a schematic diagram is.
- Simple lines and symbols are used in schematics to convey details like what, how, and where. They are schematic, graphical, and wiring diagrams.
- A schematic diagram is a basic, two-dimensional representation of a circuit that demonstrates the operation and connectivity of various electrical components.
- The schematic symbols used to represent the components on a schematic diagram must be familiar to a PCB designer.
- Schematic diagrams display control elements in the order of their electrical connections, regardless of their physical placement.
To learn more about schematic, refer to: