the blood flow of healthy individuals is laminar but becomes turbulent during certain vascular diseases. endothelial cells (ecs), which line the lumen of blood vessels, are in direct contact with blood. you hypothesize that different types of blood flow (i.e. laminar vs. turbulent) may cause endothelial cell dysfunction which in turn contributes to the progression of diseases. to test this hypothesis, you fabricated a microfluidic device in which ecs were seeded inside a rectanugular channel of prescribed width

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Blood flows in orderly, parallel layers through the arteries in laminar flow when there are no impediments to disturb the layers. A healthy artery, like the femoral artery, exhibits laminar flow.

When the flow channel becomes disordered, layers fail to form, and eddy currents develop, the scenario is referred to as turbulent flow.

The current vascular hemodynamics paradigm views typical blood flow as pulsatile laminar flow. Diseases like atherosclerosis and brain aneurysms can be brought on by the transition to turbulence. But recently, we showed that turbulence can exist in both the aneurysm sac and the main artery of experimental models of brain aneurysms.

The necessity for even mixing of blood corpuscles as they travel along the arteries drives the turbulence of blood flow, which originates in the cardial cavities. We think that the energy expended might be sufficient to overcome a resistance in the main arteries, where the wall lacks active contraction components.

Small arterial micro vessels (Metereriolar-like type) have a similar inner wall relief that must be extruded into the lumen of the nuclear zone of the endothelial cell. However, blood movement within arterial micro vessels is highly dependent on the myogenic wave activity of intramural smooth muscle cells.

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