How much cash is a firm generating through operating, investing, and financing activities? how much debt and equity has the firm issued to finance its assets?

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The Statement of Cash Flows displays the amount of cash that a company generates through its financing, investing, and operating activities.

The balance sheet reveals the amount of equity and debt that the company has issued to finance its assets.

A cash flow statement is what, exactly?

A cash flow statement, often called the statement of cash flows, is a financial statement used in financial accounting that breaks down the analysis into operating, investing, and financing activities. It illustrates how changes in balance sheet accounts and income effect cash and cash equivalents.

A balance sheet: what is it?

In financial accounting, a balance sheet is a description of the financial standing of a person or firm, whether they are a corporation, a private limited company, a sole proprietorship, a commercial partnership, or another type of entity like the government or a not-for-profit.

Learn more about cash flow statement: