In the given question, the number is given in decimal form.
A fraction shows part of a whole. This whole can be a region or a collection. The word fraction is derived from the Latin word "fraction" which means 'to break'. The Egyptians, being the earliest civilization to study fractions, used fractions to resolve their mathematical problems, which included the division of food, supplies, and the absence of a bullion currency.
Let us understand this concept using an example. The following figure shows a pizza that is divided into 8 equal parts. Now, if we want to express one selected part of the pizza, we can express it as 1/8 which shows that out of 8 equal parts, we are referring to 1 part.
It means one in eight equal parts. It can also be read as:
One-eighth, or
1 by 8
fraction 1/8 = one in eight equal part
0.23 means two digits after decimal point so it is 100
then we write 23 /100 and then simplify
23 is a prime number , it can't be simplified.
hence, Fraction in simplest form of 0.23=23/100.
learn more about fraction here brainly.com/question/10354322?