Respuesta :

Scenario planning is the process of constructing multiple informed, plausible, imaginary alternative futures. Environments in which decisions about the future can be made to change the present.

One possible scenario is moving to the city, the most likely scenario is that he returns to school in the fall. . Best case scenario, I'll finish the work by tomorrow. In the worst case, the project will have to start over.

Then save these values ​​as a scenario using the Scenario Manager dialog. Go to Data tab > What-If Analysis > Scenario Manager > Add. In the Scenario Name dialog box, name your worst-case scenario and specify that cells B2 and B3 are the values ​​that change between scenarios.

The best way to write a concrete scenario is to present the problem situation, give some clues that the learner can identify with, and then provide the answer. However, remember that the learner should not be overwhelmed by the challenge and hesitate to try to solve it.

Learn more about the scenario here: