1) "there are many differences between them"
2) "one is Korean and one is chinese"
3) "ainshunt" is spelt ancient
4) "both are competitive"
5) "strick" is spelt strict
6) "participints" is spelt participants
7) "injerd" is spelt injured
8) "taekwondo has a formal system..."
9) "indecate" is spelt indicate
10) "practice" is spelt practise
11) "perhaps, most importantly, people can practise..."
12) "self-discipline and inner strength"
1) concord error
2) there is no comma before and
3) wrong spelling
4) concord error
5) wrong spelling
6)wrong spelling
7) wrong spelling
8) concord error
9) wrong spelling
10) wrong spelling
11) commas add additional information
12) no comma before and. there is wrong spelling