My assignment asks me to write a python program using if, elif, and else that takes a user's salary and calculates the tax based on three given criteria:
> for a salary between 10,000 and 20,000, tax is at 1%
> for a salary between 20,000 and 30,000, tax is at 2%
> for a salary greater than 30,000, tax is at 3%
> there is no tax otherwise

Criteria 1 and 2 seem to overlap because of 20,000. How can I solve this? Thanks!

Respuesta :


user_salary = int(input("Please Enter Your Salary : "))

if user_salary in range(10000, 20000):

   print("Tax = ",int(user_salary/100*1))

elif user_salary in range(20000, 30000):

   print("Tax = ",int(user_salary/100*2))

elif user_salary in range(30000, 40000):

   print("Tax = ",int(user_salary/100*3))


   print("No Tax!")


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