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Before applying a token system behavior analysts should create a plan when implementing a token economy, what consideration should be made in when an individual tests the system, the behavior analyst should remain calm and should be made in determining the ratio of exchange the initial ratio between the number of tokens .
The world we live in uses various token economies regularly where we earn money and exchange that money for something we want. In the field of ABA, the token economy can be applied in the same way. Behavior Frontiers (2011), stated “a token economy is a system in which tokens are earned for appropriate behaviors and exchanged later for reinforcers.” This is a useful tool to work on an individual’s attending skills, task completion, or display of the desired behaviors.
When deciding what tokens an individual will earn it is best to use tokens that are engaging and age appropriate. For young kids, you can use their favorite characters as tokens. When I used this economy for one of my younger clients, we used the Cars Pixar characters as tokens. For older individuals, you can use stars, plastic chips, stickers, or other tokens that are aligned with their interest. When implementing the economy, here are some tips for teaching the individual about tokens:
When starting a token economy, it is best to start and focus on a small number of behaviors to work on. For one of my clients, I used a token economy to focus on an attending skill. With the token economy, I provided the tokens only when the client displayed the behaviors that supported the client was attending. As I provided each token, I paired it with social praise and informed the client why they were given the token, such as nice sitting in your chai . The focus of the token economy should on those behaviors or skills that would benefit the individual the most.
Learn more about token system here