Adam smith’s principles of economics were modified in 1803 by Jean Baptiste Say , a french businessman, who wrote a treatise on political economy.
During the French Revolution, Jean-Baptiste Say's career as a writer and social critic began. He became the personal secretary of Swiss financier Étienne Clavière when he joined the company towards the end of the 1780s. At this point, he learned about political economy and, more specifically, Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, which forever changed the way he thought. Say became a journalist and later a member of the Tribunate, a sort of institution of economic expertise at the service of the government, in the ensuing years, taking advantage of Clavière's extensive contacts (he was appointed minister des Finances in 1793). He wrote the Treatise on Political Economy in this environment, and it was originally published in 1803.
Learn more about Jean Baptiste Say here: