Athens, Greece, had a form of democracy in which free male citizens could vote on laws in a general assembly. on the other hand, Rome was rebublic until 43bc. the citizens did not participate in decision-making but elected two consuls, who acted as the head of state.
Athenian democracy developed around the 6th century BC. In the Greek city-state of Athens (known as Police), including the city of Athens and the surrounding area of Attica. Athens is the most famous democratic city-state of ancient Greece, but it was not the first.
Several other city-states adopted similar democratic constitutions before Athens. Ober (2015) may have democratized up to half of the more than 1000 existing Greek city-states in the second half of the 4th century BC.
Athens practiced the political system of legislative and executive accounting. Adult male citizens (ie, no matter how many generations of the family live in the city, are neither foreign residents nor slaves nor women) are not allowed to participate and are "probably less than 30 percent of the total adult population."
Learn more about Athens here: