The significance or relevance of the poem, “Fence.”
The poem title “Fences” stands for the symbolic fences that is class, rich and poor, and racial inequality that exists.
What is the relevance of Suitcases full of dollars?
The relevance of Suitcases full of dollars tells the huge amount of the money
The reference to the word "dollars"he connote the United States currency as it is known to be strongly linked with racial and wealth inequality. This that implies that the tourists does show racial or ethnic privilege.
What is the relevance of the cactus fence?
The cactus fence represent racial inequality that is seen in the United States. The difference between the rice and the poor.
What is the relevance of the cactus Oil sweeter than honey?
Honey is known to be a privilege enjoyed by the rich and power class and oil to the poor and this show that been okay is still better.
What is the relevance of the cactus Long straws, coconut white, mango yellow?
This is an connote the things enjoyed by the poor people.
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