Respuesta :
Discussion entails listening and contributing on a specific topic. You prepared in advance for the discussion by paying attention. One is well prepared by having the listening skills.
What rules were created for the discussion?
The rules of tyur taking were created
Were they followed?
Not every time
How well did you present your viewpoint?
You presented your viewpoint with ethos, pathos, and logos.
How did your own background knowledge, experience, values, or beliefs affect the way you presented your views?
It gives you robost points or worldview to react to issues
It serves as a pool of experience where you draw your perceptions
How successful were you at listening and responding to other group members?
Very successful as this keeps discussion at a level plain ground for mutual understanding
How did you use evidence to explain and defend your views, including when someone disagreed with you?
Through logos, logical presentation and linking
In what ways did other participants use reasoning and evidence to make their points?
Through being relevant in the discussion
Were there any times when someone didn’t use evidence or the evidence didn’t match the viewpoint presented?
Did a participant exaggerate or distort information?
Sometimes, speakers say more than necessary to catch fun or paint the picture
Was there a time when someone’s viewpoint differed from your own?
Yes! We don't always agree but we disagree to agree.
What might have influenced his or her opposing viewpoint?
His own worldview or experience
We develop separately and have different experiences, hence, our different perceptions of life.
How was your language grammatically correct and appropriate to the topic, purpose, and audience?
Say 90%.
Give an example
Sometimes, the topic may not readily available in the source language (L1).
What kinds of hand gestures and facial expressions did you and other people use to match what was being said?
waving and nose raising
How did you use eye contact, the volume of your voice, or other means to connect with others during the discussion?
By winking of eyes, a connection is established. Low volume of voice expresses secret or confidential subject.
How well did the group solve problems and come to consensus?
Through cooperation
Overall, how effective was the group discussion?
Very effective when the rules are followed.
Therefore, the correct answers are as given above
learn more about turn taking: