The correct value of this simplification is -4/9z
Fraction is a representation of a division between two real integers. These two numbers numbers can be positive or negative. Its representation is given by, a/b, where: 'a' indicates numerator and 'b' indicates denominator.
Given the expression, [tex]\large \sf \dfrac{4}{9z} -\dfrac{3}{9z} -\dfrac{5}{9z}[/tex],: In a fraction addition and subtraction with equal denominators, we: add/subtract the numerators and keep the denominators
[tex]\\\large \sf \dfrac{4}{9z} -\dfrac{3}{9z} -\dfrac{5}{9z}[/tex]
[tex]\large \sf \dfrac{4-3-5}{9z}[/tex]
[tex]\large \sf \dfrac{1-5}{9z}[/tex]
[tex]\red{\boxed{\large \sf -\dfrac{4}{9z} }}\\[/tex]
Therefore, the final answer to this simplification will be -4/9z