Respuesta :

Answer: Indigenous people are the first inhabitants of a particular geographical area. They have their ways of life, beliefs, and customs that differ from those followed by other groups in that location. Indigenous cultures exist all over the world and often remain very unique despite contact with outside societies. In many cases, indigenous peoples have been forced to relocate or lose their land due to development projects or military conflicts.

Indigenous people are those who are living in the now traditional indigenous territories which include North and South America, the Pacific Islands, and Alaska. Their culture is based on the way they have lived and preserved their traditional way of life. Native American culture is the culture of the indigenous people of North and South America and the Pacific islands.

The history of indigenous people and Native American culture is one of dispossession, invasion, and finally assimilation. The beginning of European contact with indigenous people is usually considered to be 1492 when Columbus came to America. The European invasion of North and South America was spurred on by the desire to find new sources of wealth and by the need to spread Christianity. Initially, indigenous people were resistant to contact and after initially meeting with resistance they were killed, subjugated, or displaced.

How aboriginal people living today continue the traditions of their ancestors includes maintaining their language, culture, and traditional lifestyles. Access to land, being employed in the modern economy, and being able to share in the profits of resource development are also important factors in keeping aboriginal culture alive.

The history of indigenous people and Native American culture is one of dispossession, invasion, and finally assimilation. The beginning of European contact with indigenous people is usually considered to be 1492 when Columbus came to America. The European invasion of North and South America was spurred on by the desire to find new sources of wealth and by the need to spread Christianity.


i just spent so long writing this