Respuesta :
Assignment Type : Ai using prolog language
• AI Search Techniques
o The search algorithms can solve this problem easily so you must implement one of the uninformed search techniques and one of the informed search techniques to solve the problems
I. Problem #1
1. Problem#1 Overview
Given a list of positive integer Items whose elements are guaranteed to be in sorted ascending order, and a positive integer Goal, and Output is a list of three elements [A,B,C] taken from items that together add up to goal. The Output must occur inside the items list in that order (ascending order).
2. Problem#1 Components:
This program consists of the following engines:
• Planner Engine: is responsible for:
• Taking the query in prolog entered by the user.
• Apply the planning algorithm using depth first search or greedy algorithm to get the path. This algorithm should be implemented in prolog.
• You must solve this problem twice (depth first search and greedy algorithm)
II. Problem #2
1. Problem#2 Overview
Daisy loves playing games with words. Recently, she has been playing the following Deletive Editing word game with Daniel.
Daisy picks a word, for example, "DETERMINED". On each game turn, Daniel calls out a letter, for example, 'E', and Daisy removes the first occurrence of this letter from the word, getting "DTERMINED". On the next turn, Daniel calls out a letter again, for example, 'D', and Daisy removes its first occurrence, getting "TERMINED". They continue with 'I', getting "TERMNED", with 'N', getting "TERMED", and with 'D', getting "TERME". Now, if Daniel calls out the letter 'E', Daisy gets "TRME", but there is no way she can get the word "TERM" if they start playing with the word "DETERMINED".
Daisy is curious if she can get the final word of her choice, starting from the given initial word, by playing this game for zero or more turns. Your task it help her to figure this out.
% deletiveEditing(Initial,End).
Each word consists of at least one and at most 30 uppercase English letters; Initial is the Daisy's initial word for the game; End is the final word that Daisy would like to get at the end of the game.
?- deletiveEditing(['D','E','T','E','R','M','I','N','E','D'], ['T','R','M','E']).
?- deletiveEditing(['D','E','T','E','R','M','I','N','E','D'], ['T','E','R','M']).
?- deletiveEditing(['D','E','I','N','S','T','I','T','U','T','I','O','N','A','L','I','Z','A','T','I','O','N'], ['D','O','N','A','T','I','O','N']).
?- deletiveEditing(['C','O','N','T','E','S','T'], ['C','O','D','E']).
?- deletiveEditing(['S','O','L','U','T','I','O','N'], ['S','O','L','U','T','I','O','N']).
2. Problem#2 Components:
This program consists of the following engines:
• Planner Engine: is responsible for:
• Taking the query in prolog entered by the user.
• Apply the planning algorithm using informed search algorithm (greedy algorithm) to get the path.
This algorithm should be implem