Respuesta :
I can't give you a full answer but depending on the characters and plot, say it could be worse but then again to any teen girl, the worst is what they are dealing with not what others are because sometimes we are closed-minded, so try giving instead examples of how it can and will get better, maybe encourage her to help out her parents, see what she can do, if she can't do anything that sometimes everything has a reason, she can always contact (us) her friends if need be and she has a few more years to save up for college again. The future was always uncertain, you just had a plan, because you didn't actually know if you'd be able to go through with it just yet or if anything else might have gotten in the way. See it as a new beginning not, an ending.
if you do want to go through with telling her how it could be so much worse, explain how some people could never even save up for college and would have to take a loan or go into debt, so that she can rebuild and save up again depending on what year of high school she's in, and that making friends doesn't have to be hard, you just have to have confidence. Try to motivate the friend to help if she can, and stop moping about it, cause there can be a bright side.