1. Bioengineeriring Babies
Date received: May 12th, 2022
What Are Designer Babies?
The colloquial term "designer baby" refers to a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics. In simpler terms, using biotechnology to choose what type of baby you want. The latest research is making designer babies a reality now, using technology developed originally for use in animals.
What traits could be changed in a designer baby?
Pros and Cons of Designer Babies
-Reduces risk of genetic diseases
-Reduces risk of inherited medical conditions
-Keep pace with others doing it
-Better chance the child will succeed in life
-Better understanding of genetics
-Increased life span
-Can give a child genes that the parents do not carry
-Prevent next generation of family from getting characteristics/diseases
-Termination of embryos
-Could create a gap in society
-Possibility of damage to the gene pool
-Baby has no choice in the matter
-Genes often have more than one use
-Geneticists are not perfect
-Loss of Individuality
-Other children in family could be affected by parent's decision
-Only the rich can afford it
(All credit to The Wizzer)
(Part 1 of 3)
Have a great rest of your day