Answer: Okay don't copy this word for word, anything in Brakets change them.
I've experiened originizational behaivor when looking at my [Your choice].
It was useful because I didnt get confused when looking for [Object]!
If I couldnt find [object] I wouldnt be able to, [action]. If organization wasnt used in this [describing term] I wouldnt be able to find [object] and I would be very upset. I feel as if this behaivor should be used everywhere.
I've experiened originizational behaivor when looking at my My desktop of my computer. It was useful because I didnt get confused when looking for My assignments! If I couldnt find my assignments I wouldnt be able to, brush up on some topics. If organization wasnt used in this case I wouldnt be able to find my work and I would be very upset. I feel as if this behaivor should be used everywhere.