
I need example of Narrative essay about friendship or anything

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QualityAt the age of 16, I would have never expected something as simple as young love to ruin friendships. When it happened to me, I was in shock. I never thought she’d come into my life just to control me and manipulate me into ruining the relationships I had with other people. We were suppose to be in love, right? People who love you shouldn’t ever do that to you, but I was blindsided. I was so in love that I couldn’t even see what she was doing to me. It started as soon as I met her, the crazy girl who would tear me apart. I knew I wanted her to be mine, it was that simple. When I finally got her, it didn’t feel real. I thought she’d be my “forever.” I dropped everything and everyone for her, that’s just how much I cared about her. Anything she wanted, I’d do my best to give to her. I thought I had the best, but …show more content…

When I finally realized she was manipulating me, it was almost too late. It was hard to fix old friendships. I worked hard, and finally things are back like they should be. I learned to be happy without her; dependent on myself and not others. I believe I’m a stronger person now. My story is just one example of how love can tear friendships apart. My love for Corban ruined her and Peyton’s friendship, as well as Peyton’s and mine. All for love. Love is a confusing thing, it’s wild and passionate, exciting and fun, but also scary and deceiving. It can easily become something out of control. And it’s hard to learn that at such a young age. I was only 16 when I let my emotions and relationship control and define me. Now, at 19, I’m lucky to be so much more mature and in control of myself. I’m in a happy relationship with someone who let’s me be me, and trusts me enough not to cheat, unlike Corban.

Hope all my relationships are healthy like this.

hope it helps....!!!