Respuesta :
- She puts ear buds all time and plays continuous music
- As she is following one route everyday some known persons can stalk her
- As she puts ear buds she can't able to identify that someone is stalking her.
- It is invition for dangerous crimes
- She should not follow a single route always
- While walking on quite zones she should stop playing earbuds and be aware of any instant activity.
- Emergency dialer should be on.
Violence doesn't always work in the same way in every city, but she could be putting herself at risk by:
- Not having anyone wait for her (to notice something is wrong)
- Working out late, in poorly lit streets
- Repeating route by herself, distracted by ear buds
To protect herself, she could:
- Warn a friend when she finish her workout safely (or use a tracking app for this)
- Workout before work, in more popular and well lit places
- Mix different routes to have a more impredicable behavior for predators.
- Run with friends or local groups.
Giving up the music is too much, let her have some fun too :)