in 6-8 complete Spanish sentences, describe what you are wearing right now. also, describe what a family member is wearing. don't forget to include the color of your clothing.

Respuesta :


Llevo una camisa gris y pantalones de chándal blancos. Mi hermana lleva una camisa negra con pantalones grises. Mi mamá lleva una camisa a rayas con pantalones negros. Mi papá lleva su uniforme de trabajo que incluye los colores azul claro y azul marino.


 I am wearing a gray shirt and white sweatpants. My sister is wearing a black shirt with grey pants. My mom is wearing a striped shirt with black pants. My dad is wearing his work uniform that include the colors light blue and navy blue.

I hope this was what you were looking for! dont really like asking but please mark brainliest:]


estoy usando jeans y una camiseta sin mangas mi mamá está usando su pijama mi papá usa su ropa de trabajo unos jeans y una camisa gris una chaqueta que dice dónde trabaja (como el nombre de su trabajo y su nombre) y usa calcetines pegajosos jajaja es broma XD oh se me olvidaba y siempre lleva una gorra que dice California creo que se me olvido jajaja XD

am wearing jeans and a tank top my mom is wearing her pajamas my dad wears his work clothes some jeans and a gray shirt a jacket that says where he works (like his job's name and his name.) and wear sticky socks lol just kidding XD oh I forgot and he always wears a cap that says California I think I forgot lol XD

Explanation: I hope this helps u for the question and ''Have a Nice day!''
