Breaking Even on Pizza

Suppose the student organization you are apart of has decided to hold a pizza fund-raiser during finals week. Sure we have Cost + Markup = Selling Price, but this sounds more like Pizza + Finals = Success. Your club plans to purchase 50 pizzas and resell them in the student center. For your initial post, I'm hoping you'll get creative: tell us about your student group (and yes, you can make up one that you think you' be apart of).

Next, choose a pizza store to purchase from. You can purchase from somewhere local, or you can choose a chain as well. Research their current promotions on pizzas and find the cost per pizza (you can decide what size of pizzas to purchase since specials will vary). It probably makes sense to explain why you made the choice you did. How much will it cost to purchase 50 pizzas?

Lastly, calculate what you would need to charge per slice to break even. In other words, if you only wanted to sell pizza and not make a profit, what would you charge for each slice?

For your first reply post, reply to your own post. Since this is a fund-raiser, what would you suggest charging for each slice and, based on this, what would the percent markup be? Also, what would the net profit be if you sold all 50 pizzas?

For your second reply post, reply to someone else's post and decide if their cost per slice is too high. Would you pay that much for a slice of pizza? Suppose they only sold 40 pizzas. Will they still make a profit? Will they break even? If you think they should adjust the cost per slice, explain why.