Respuesta :

Answer: See below


Words of phrases in bold indicated where capitalization has been changed. Remember to capitalize the first letter of a proper noun, significant words for books, movies etc. The first letter of a sentence, and  capitalize names of relatives that indicate family relationship when used with the person’s name or alone as the name you call that person.

1. On the way to visit my aunt in California, we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge.

2. From the backseat I heard Dad shout, “Wake up, kids, and take in this view!”

3. Grandma Florence, whose other son is a senator, started talking way too fast in French.

4. Then, I realized that this was the same bridge from the theme song to the television show Full House.

5. My brother never looked up from the book he was reading, The Hunger Games.

6. My mother said, “What a beautiful sight!” and then she hugged Dad.


aunt: lowercase

California: uppercase

Golden Gate Bridge: uppercase

Wake: uppercase


senator: lowercase

French: uppercase

theme song: lowercase

Full House: uppercase

The Hunger Games: uppercase

My: uppercase

What: uppercase

Dad: uppercase

In quotes, at the start, or mentions something like a language, country, state, or name must be capitalized.

Have an amazing day!