Hesigns. Think You will be accessed on the last two ows of the table, n advantages and sadvantages. Design brief, specifications and constraints Discuss this in teams of three or four. There should be at least one boy and one girl in each group. Everyone has to write their own answers below. 1. Write the design brief. A design brief tells you what the problem is and who will benefit from or use the solution. (1) Design C A machine to crush grain will usually be powered by an electrical motor that provides rotational movement. You will not use an electrical motor in your model, but will rather turn the handle of a crank by hand. This rotational movement should be changed into a reciprocating movement so that the grain will be crushed, like hitting it with a hammer. The mechanisms that your model uses should be housed inside a strong and stable structure. 2. Answer the following questions to identify the specifications for your design: (a) What different mechanisms could make the grain crusher work? (1) (b) What forces should the structure be able to withstand? (1) 3. Identify the constraints: (a) How much time do I have to design and make the model? (1) (b) What materials can I find easily to build the model? tal [6] (C) What tools do I already have with which I can make the model? (1) [Total marks: 6]​