Respuesta :
Mikhail Gorbachev was the last leader of the USSR and of those largely responsible for the end of the cold war and the decline of the communist party. This essay seeks to summarize Gorbachev's political life and show his influence at the end of the conflict between communists and capitalists. Mikhail Gorbachev led the Soviet Union and the Communist Party between the years 1985 - 1991. His government witnessed the most intense phase of the cold war, where the dispute between Communist and capitalist policies reached the highest levels. At that time, communism was very weakened and some administration and management failures caused an economic crisis in the USSR, which was facing an industry that was highly outdated and unable to compete or even establish relations with other nations that could help the country economically. During this period, Gorbachev saw the expansion and economic success of the European Union and the USA. For this reason, he realized that the cold war was no longer beneficial to his nation and decided to start a process of ending the conflict, in addition to a process political reform in the USSR and an attempt to establish trade relations with other nations. His first step was to meet with US President Ronald Reagan and ensure that the two nations would not use nuclear weapons against each other, or against any other country. His initiative to end fears of a possible nuclear war was well regarded worldwide, which guaranteed him the Nobel Peace Prize. After that, he started a series of internal reforms, aimed at improving the economy and the vision of the USSR in the world, promoting more freedoms for citizens and modernizing the country. Among these reforms we can cite the authorization of amnesty for political prisoners, the termination of the Gulags, the end of a unique political system and the start of an electoral system where citizens would have the privilege of choosing their leaders, the end of the media press chase and the obtaining of art. Although he established progressive policies that improved several factors within his country, Gorbachev attracted several enemies and critics who believed that he was disrespecting the concepts defended by the communist system, with this, Gorbachev became politically isolated, without being able to implement his economic policies, which generated a strong crisis within the country. In 1991 he suffered a coup d'état and to avoid starting a civil war within the country, he gave up resigning his position as leader, thus ending his government.