The cultural differences between individualistic and communalist communities is that levels of anxiety and depression have been found to be lower in collectivist cultures than in individualistic ones (option A)
Individualism is a term that refers to a philosophy that focuses on the exercise of the individual's own goals and desires, having independence and self-sufficiency as its main values.
Collectivism is a term that refers to the philosophy that focuses on the exercise of collective goals and desires of a group of people, having collaboration and interdependence as its main values.
An outstanding aspect of these two ways of thinking is that they have influenced the psychological and emotional development of the individual because the levels of anxiety and depression are higher in people who have an individualistic philosophy.
Individualism is associated with depression and anxiety because it is associated with competition with other individuals and the inability to achieve some goals can frustrate the individual and lead to negative emotions such as depression and anxiety.
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