ok so i need a clincher for an agrumentative writing homework, but i dont know what a clincher is. could someone help really quick? here is what i wrote so far:
Claim: Teens should be able to play dangerous sports. There are more positives than the negatives. The first reason is that the teen could make a bunch of money in the future. The second reason is that the children can develop physical courage
Reason 1: The first reason is that it could make the teen a lot of money in the future. Reason 1 evidence: en.as.com states that the average salary for professional football players is 867,000 dollars! For a newbie the starting salary is 483,000 dollars. That’s more than a Nasa engineer salary which is 50-150k a year. This is much more money than the average middle class salary.
Reason 2: The second (and last) reason is that it could help the kids develop a strong physical courage. Reason 2 evidence: ethicsofsports.com states, “The benefits of developing a child’s self-affirmation through participation in a dangerous sport are evident. They expand personal boundaries and develop instrumental goods such as physical courage. The risks are worth the rewards in your child’s development.”
Counter claim: But there are also many downsides to playing dangerous sports. It could lead to you dying early. Rebuttal: Cbc.ca states, “If your child plays any of these high impact, high contact, coalition sports and receives repeated blows to the head. your child is more likely to die before the age of 42 through violent means," says Dr. Omalu.
Conclusion: So, this is why teens should be able to play dangerous sports. The first of the two main points is that they can make lots of money. And the second point is that teens can develop physical courage. Clincher: