Respuesta :
Hours ago, I had left Earth. Possibly for the last time, considering how insane this company can get. I don't even work for NASA! I don't know how they even got access to a huge rocket! Anyways, I'm stuck writing in this little notebook. I bet, if I had access to decent recording equipment this would be a great podcast. There's a tiny window across the room, and I've looked out of it a multitude of times. There's not really much there, considering we're not near any planets. It's just....well, space. A void. Probably what death looks and feels like. Dying sounds scary, but being dead sounds like there's nothing to it.
I was able to bring a little music player with me, but I only have Heaven Is A Place On Earth. How ironic. I must have listened to it this entire time, considering the fact it's still playing. Gravity is absolutely insane here too, and I expected it to be like that, but not nearly to this extent. As soon as this rocket hit space, my spine just elongated. Like when you pick up a cat by it's arms and it looks funny. That's exactly how I feel. I bet I was sent up here to write about the actual experience, like how bad space "coffee" is, the quotations are there because this is not coffee. It's more like, powdered concrete. Well, now you know that fun fact.
God, I'm tired. Today has been insane. Mostly "gotta get out, gotta move", but now that I'm here it's just serenity. From calamity to calm. I think my dreams would be more interesting, though. Once I take a nap, I can officially say I've slept in space. Although, I have a feeling I'd be able to say that even if I didn't take a nap. I'm not sure how long I'm supposed to be here, but I think it's at least a few months? I'm on the road to this small planet everyone thought was just space debris. Check out space aliens, y'know. I think aliens exist. There's no way they don't. I mean, isn't it a little selfish to think, out of the millions of galaxies and suns and planets, that we're the only life? That's insane! I bet aliens are smarter than us. Probably. Hopefully not "take over the world for evil purposes" smarter, but "here; this is how we do things" smarter. A very small difference, but very important nonetheless.
Anyways, I'm gonna sleep for...until I wake up. I'll keep writing in this, but only because I'm getting good pay for it. Goodnight, dear readers. Or future historians. That'd be neat.