Respuesta :

A: a
B: be
C: ce
D: de
E: e
F: efe
G: ge
H: hache
I: i
J: jota
K: ka
L: ele
M: eme
N ene
Ñ: eñe
O: o
P: pe
Q: cu
R: ere (or erre)
S: ese
T: te
U: u
V: uve
W: uve doble, doble ve
X: equis
Y: ye
Z: zeta


If you want to say the word “alphabet” in Spanish, you would say “alfabeto” or “el alfabeto.” The actual alphabet itself contains the same letters as in English, with just three more you’ll need to remember: ch (chay), ll (elle), and ñ (eñe).