Respuesta :

This question speaks to notable events in history in relation to the keywords mentioned above.


Portuguese explorers discovered that it was very abundant in Brazil. The discovery was made on the 22nd of April, 1500. At that time, this wood was highly sought after in Europe.

What is Brazilwood?

It is a type of plant that has a dense, orange-red colored heartwood. It is useful for making dye and stringed instruments. It is said, according to the History of Brazil, that Brazil got its name from this wood.

Boom and Bust Cycle

It is known that since the year 1929, there have been 29 boom and bursts.

What is the Boom and Bust Cycle?

This refers to the changing and alternating phases of economic growth and decline or expansion and contraction that occurs repeatedly over time. This is very typical of economies where capitalism is practiced. When there is an expansion, this is called economic boom.


The first abolitionist movement began in a more organized fashion in 1830. Benjamin Lay is credited to be among the first 18th century abolitionists. His dislike for the slave system started in the 1720s in Barbados.

Who is an abolitionist?

This word is used to describe a person or a group that dislikes and wants to end or abolish slavery.


The first coup in the history of man is said to have occurred in 876 Before the Common Era (BCE). In the nation of Israel, Zimri, a military commander of Israel assassinated King Elah to take his place.

What is a Coup?

This is the sudden illegal take over of power by violence from an incumbent or existing government.

See the following links for more on the keywords mentioned above:

History of Brazil:

Economic Boom:

