Select one character from the excerpt you read of Wonder. Write a paragraph about that character. Name the character and explain their role in the story. Infer one character trait and explain why you would describe the character that way. Proofread your paragraph.
This optional document was made to help you if you would like. It includes a list of character traits, an example paragraph, as well as sentence stems.
To score an A on this assignment (90-100%): Looks like a paragraph (not a list), includes three or more strong sentences. Describes the character in detail. Explains the chosen trait and provides a detailed example (from the text) of why you think that. Has few/no editing errors.
To score a B on this assignment (80-89%): Looks like a paragraph (not a list), includes three sentences. Describes the character. Identifies the chosen trait and explains why you think that. Has several editing errors that do not impact the meaning.
To score a C on this assignment (70-79%): Looks like a short paragraph (about 2 sentences). Describes the character and/or trait. Has several editing errors that impact the meaning.
To score a D on this assignment (60-69%): Answer is one sentence.