Thomas Jefferson has been accused of plagiarizing John Locke's publication of Two Treatises of Government. You are the judge on the case and must determine if Jefferson is guilty or not. First, you will need to do some research. Complete the steps below to write your judicial opinion (a judicial opinion is a legal court document where a judge explains how they reach their decision).

1. Explain John Locke's ideas about government.
Some things to think about: What did he say the purpose of government was? What if the government does not fulfill that purpose?

2. Explain Thomas Jefferson's ideas about government as found in the Declaration of Independence.
Some things to think about: What did he say the purpose of government was? What if the government does not fulfill that purpose?

3. Did Jefferson plagiarize Locke's ideas? What evidence do you have to support your argument?

You should compose your answer into a one or two paragraph response.

Respuesta :

1. John Locke's ideas about government were that the purposes of every government were limited to the promotion of the public good and the protection of the "life, liberty, and property" of the citizens.

John Locke and Government

For John Locke, if the government does not fulfill its purposes, the society can institute a new government through elections.

2. Thomas Jefferson's ideas about government, as found in the Declaration of Independence, were based on the fact that a government existed to protect the people's rights to "life, liberty, and ... of happiness."

Thomas Jefferson and Government

For Jefferson, if the government fails to fulfill its purpose, the people should reject that government by setting up another government to guarantee the protection of those inalienable rights.

What is Plagiarism?

3. Jefferson did not plagiarize John Locke's theory of natural rights since he did not pass off Locke's ideas as his own.  He rather adapted them for the American revolution. For instance, John Locke advocated for elections to hold governments accountable, while Thomas Jefferson sought a revolution to end King George's colonial tyranny.

Thus, while John Locke never called for a revolt but elections, Thomas Jefferson supported a revolution to remove a non-performing government.

Learn more about John Locke's and Thomas Jefferson's ideas about government here: and