Selecting an SUV with a blue exterior
A car dealership has various combinations of vehicles in their car lot, all of which have an
equally likely chance of being selected. Use the list of options below to determine the
probability of each vehicle being selected.

Selecting an SUV with a blue exterior A car dealership has various combinations of vehicles in their car lot all of which have an equally likely chance of being class=

Respuesta :

The answer is straightforward, by the "rule of product":

There are



different combinations (distinct possible cars) that can be created.

There 33 choices for body style; 88 choices for exterior colors, and 22 choices of interior color schemes:

Since each of these choices are independent (the choice of body style doesn't depend on exterior or interior color, e.g.) we multiply the number of choices for each quality to obtain: 3×8×2=483×8×2=48 distinct ways to create a car