The population of Newtown is 45 000.
The population of Villeneuve is 39 000.
(a) Calculate the ratio of these populations in its simplest form.
(b) In Newtown, 28% of the population are below the age of twenty.
Calculate how many people in Newtown are below the age of twenty.
(c) In Villeneuve, 16 000 people are below the age of twenty.
Calculate the percentage of people in Villeneuve below the age of twenty.
(d) The population of Newtown is 125% greater than it was fifty years ago.
Calculate the population of Newtown fifty years ago.
(e) The two towns are combined and made into one city called Monocity.
In Monocity the ratio of
men : women children IS 12:13:5
Calculate the number of children in Monocity.