
What has to be done before alternative energy sources can replace fossil fuels?

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Solar power is entirely renewable, and the initial installation costs are outweighed by the money saved in traditional suppliers’ energy bills. Regardless of the financial potential, solar cells are prone to deterioration over time and still rely on steady weather conditions to function consistently.

Tidal energy is a relatively new renewable energy source, but it has already shown great potential. One UK study recently reported that tidal energy could meet almost 20% of the U.K's electricity demand. Because it is such a new source of energy, it’s unclear whether it alone could replace fossil fuels.

Wind energy is another promising alternative to fossil fuels; it makes use of an infinite, natural resource, namely wind. It generates no waste and leaves the surrounding areas relatively untouched. Wind energy is also a sensible environmental investment — the average wind project repays its carbon emissions in under six months while avoiding the CO₂ emissions of 42 million cars.

The best alternative to fossil fuels is to use all clean energy and alternative energy sources in tandem and then increase our dependence on clean energy sources as they become more efficient.
