According to the Administrative Simplification Compliance Act (ASCA), every health care provider must have electronic claims tracking (ECT) software to enable the electronic submission and tracking of claims. In addition, b. electronic data interchange (EDI) must be in place.
The ECT and the EDI enable claims to be submitted from anywhere with Internet access in real-time.
To submit claims electronically, you do not need:
Question Completion:
Many offices electronically process claim forms to the insurance carrier. To submit claims electronically, you must have the software required and a(n):
a. service-pack for EncoderPro built-in.
b. electronic data interchange (EDI) must be in place.
c. written agreement with the insurance company.
d. electronic media formatting.
Thus, to enable the electronic submission and tracking of claims, every health care provider must have the electronic claims tracking (ECT) software and the b. electronic data interchange (EDI) must be in place.
Learn more about electronic claims tracking (ECT) and electronic data interchange (EDI) here:,, and