Can someone summarize this ?

It was an ordinary Monday morning except that she'd been up all night, crying. Trudging to school like a sleepwalker, she followed the familiar path without really meaning to, oblivious to the city coming to life around her. And then a
onto the litter strewn sidewalk in front of her. A sour breeze drifted out of the alley, ruing the hand-sized bird's ash-colored feathers. People scurried around her while cars honked irritably at
the bird struggle back onto its feet before teetering over onto its back. No one else saw it kick its right leg for a moment, while its left leg lay still, as if
riding half a bicycle. No one else saw it stop moving altogether. She slumped down beside the sparrow on the pavement and whistled softly, a faintly remembered lullaby from her childhood. And the world fluttered past them as if they had never been there at all.

Respuesta :




monday morning that was very sunny trugging to school like alwys. i followed the same payh like always.  litter strewn sidewalk in front A sour breeze drifted out of the alley, People scurried around her while cars honked irritably at  the bird struggle back befreoe back. it kicked its right leg for a moment, while its left leg lay still, a faintly remembered lullaby from her childhood. And the world fluttered past them as if they had never been there at all.