The code to
were written in JavaScript and are found in the attached images
The first code declares a variable called num and gives it an initial value of 0. It then enters a while loop that lauches a message box (using window.alert) to print the message "Keep going" as long as num remains less than 5.
If nothing is done within the loop to increment num towards the value 5, the loop will go on endlessly notifying the user to "Keep going".
So, an increment of 1 was added to the loop body to increment the variable num. This makes sure the loop terminates.
Here, a function was created that receives two arguments (n1 and n2), then returns the product (n1 * n2)
This last code segment creates an array using the new keyword. The new keyword is generally used in constructing objects.
In this case the object constructed is an array having three strings;
See another solved JavaScript problem here