
What would you ask your Parliament to make a top priority? (Education, law enforcement, the environment, military might, or homelessness) Explain.

Respuesta :


If looking at this from a technical point of view, you can calculate this using the design matrix. But for now let's see what would be the best priority.

Education: Education is of course very important. Not just so you can make a lot of money but the world needs the next generation to either carry on the research or make something new. So what does education need? It needs a reasonable budget for teachers, school rent, and school materials. So you would have to spend quite a bit Of money.

Law: Well laws needs to be kept in order to well make the world livable. Also you need money to keep well the law enfocement alive and well paid. This will of course be a bit more expensive and weapons. Laws, lawyers, and judges also need money. Whilst also any politcal leaders need to be paid well too. Plus its laws, people can get corrupt easily but the pros outweighs the con.

Military spending: Well you have the military here, you need to keep your country and your allied countries safe. Whilst also you could also, regain land but thats pretty hard now a days. For now you can keep a power gap between neighboring countires or be more superior to be less prone to invasion. The military is very expensive, with over armies, storages, and weapons.

Homelessness: Well think of it, in order to reduce homelessness you can give the homeless some aid to rent an apartment or studio. But here’s the problem, you can give them all the money they need to rent or even to buy, but there would not be enough room. There’s no way to find them all the housing needed but if you could then this would of course be wRoth it. Of Course this is one of the most efficient ways of money since you can make since the homeless Do some job or some work to basically put back into the community.

Well here I think education would be the best, you can make more smart people and every generation with a good education would increase our technological advances of our world.