Respuesta :
You: Um. Mom? Can we talk?
Mother: Yes, honey? What is it?
You: Listen, I know you don't like trips and vacations, but it would mean a lot to me if you joined us this time.
Mother: Darling I told you, I'm not coming this year.
You: You always do this! Why?!
Mother: Because I just don't- why am I explaining myself to you? I am your mother, ok? I don't have to tell you why.
You: We need to do this as a family.
Mother: Honey, listen, I just can't-
You: We're not just going on a vacation, we're making memories, we can't do that without you.
Mother: Listen, it's just too much stress, there's a lot going on. We have to pack and remember everything and buying plane tickets, all of that, is on me. It's a lot of pressure. That's why I never come, sweetheart.
You: I never knew you'd felt that way.
Mother: I never say anything, because I want you all to be happy.
You: If we convinced Dad to really pitch in, would you please come with us.
Mother: Well... Ok, I'll go with you guys this time.
You: Yay! I love you mom.
Mother: I love you too, honey.
I really hope this is good enough :)