Which Mongol leader conquered all of China?
2. From 1045 to 256 BC, what were two significant things about that dynasty?
3. Who finished the Great Wall of China?
4. Which dynasty first embraced Confucianism?
5. Shi Huangdi is remembered as a cruel, suspicious man. Yet, how did he help connect China and
make it what it is today?
6. The Tang Dynasty is remembered for its arts and literature, but what do you think the previous
dynasty did that could have helped this along?
7. Critical Thinking. America's first four presidents were all from Virginia and that state has sent
more men into the presidency than any other (8). Some American families have been extremely
political (Kennedy, Roosevelt, Bush, Clinton, etc.) What are some pros and cons to “Dynasty-
like" rule?
Critical Thinking. How do you think China's history may have convinced many people in China to
turn to Communism (State control) instead of Democracy (People control through voting)? Hint:
What periods was China the most successful?
9. Opinion. Americans talk a big game, but what do you think would happen if a foreign invader
(like the Mongols) actually conquered the United States? Would people continue to use guerilla
warfare or even terrorism to fight against a foreign ruler? What would it take to kick them out?
10. Opinion. Next semester when we come back, which activities have you enjoyed the most that
you would like to see more of? Do you hate taking notes? What would be an alternate way you
could learn the information?