Read the following selection and correct the three misspelled words and one comma errors. (50 points)

Checking punctuation before sending your massage is important. When you proofread for punctuation errors make sure that introductory clauses are followed by commas, that compound sentences put commas before coordinating conjunctions, and that semicolons and colons are used correctly.

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Checking punctuation before sending your message is important. When you proofread for punctuation errors make sure that introductory clauses are followed by commas that compound sentences put commas before coordinating conjunctions, and that semicolons and colons are used correctly.


I excel in English.


Checking punctuation before sending your message is important. When you proofread for punctuation errors make sure that introductory clauses are followed by commas that compound sentences put commas before coordinating conjunctions, and that semicolons and colons are used correctly.
